Firefox flash plugin memory leak
Firefox flash plugin memory leak

firefox flash plugin memory leak

I then launched Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome and Firefox Portable and opened in the four browsers. I started by installing Firefox Portable in a new folder so it runs with a clean profile and independent of the main Firefox installation. I began to wonder whether this was just a fault with Firefox or if other browsers did the same, so I decided to run the following experiment. To my surprise, Firefox’s memory usage started climbing and kept on going up, hitting 1GB in just 10 minutes. So as a quick test, I opened up 10 tabs with flash-heavy websites, opened Task manager and monitored the Firefox process without touching the PC. However, over the past few months, I started noticing another issue where when I left certain websites open in other tabs for more than 10 minutes such as those containing Flash ads, it would stutter, particularly when scrolling or typing in the browser. With 12GB of RAM in my PC, I never really noticed its RAM usage until I started checking the task manager. Over the past few years, some of my friends started criticising its memory usage, particularly with multiple tabs open and a few have since moved to another browser.

firefox flash plugin memory leak firefox flash plugin memory leak

Usually after a year when it would start to slow down, I would wipe its profile to bring its performance to a like-new installation again. Firefox has been my main browser over the past 10 years and apart from the odd performance issue, I seldom had any other issue with it.

Firefox flash plugin memory leak